Thursday, March 18, 2010

To market To market to buy some nice stuff

On Wednesday we went to the Anjuna beach flea market. Abbey and I stopped to look at an Indian womans stall, she insisted that I try all the dresses that she could get her hands on... when I wanted to leave she grabbed my hand and dragged me back into the shop saying 'you do me first business of day, you wish me luck'. That was kind of scary but Shwetha came with me and I eventually got out! 

 Us with Shwetha and a little begger girl

Walking though the maze of stalls selling jewellery, cloths, food, shawls, crystals and an assortment of other interesting things, we were constantly greeted with 'madam' this and 'madam' that. I bought a black dress for rs.250 and a ring for rs.550, Abbey and I followed Shwetha around while she tried to get the best price for things.
Mum bought me the brown dress that I wanted at the first shop she made me promise not to tell Shwetha (because she would be appalled that we paid too much!!!!). 

When I went to buy some pretty earrings from a Tibetan man he wanted to charge me 1800 rupees ($45), he told Shwetha that I could afford it because I was white, when she tried to explained that I was too young to afford that much he got angry and told her that she was ruining his business. 

 A bull that was outside Neptune's stall no one fancied messing with his horns!

Throughout the market cows roamed, they would stop in the middle of tight walkways and no matter what the stall holders said to them they would not move.
At the end of the day we were all very hungry and too tired to cook so we went to  O'manule'o restuarant and had dinner.

Write More Soon



  1. It's sounds like you're having lots of fun. Good to see you're using that camera.
    Miss you guys.

  2. I'm really enjoying the photos too click more click more........going to the markets will never be the same again!!! Go Frances!
