Friday, March 5, 2010

Neptune sent this today. It makes it all so real!!!!!!!!!

When you arrive in Thivim station, step outside to the prepaid taxi counter. Say you want to go to Anjuna Fleamarket. As you approach the area, there is a long stretch of road across some rice fields. at the end of the fields, you'll come to a white chapel, with ghostly bamboo structures (stalls for the wednesday fleamarket) all around. If you go straight, its the fleamarket. Take a left at the chapel. follow the narrow paved road for a couple hundred meters till it becomes a dirt road, you will see a sign saying "way to beach, Curlies" pointing to the right. Keep going straight onto the dirt road, follow it around the S curve a short distance and stop at Joe Banana's restaurant. They'll be closed in the evening, but call me with the driver's cell phone or joe banana's phone and I'll meet you there with my motorcycle in no time. If you miss any of these land marks, ask anyone for Joe Banana's. The driver can look for the signs at every intersection on the way there pointing towards Curlies, a beach restaurant, it's incredibly famous.
I cant wait to see you all soon...Hurry up!

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