Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shaan Roy

The day after meeting Shaan Roy, we went back to the beach. This time however, we went by the coast, walking along the sandy beaches, volcanic rock walls and through cafes. On one beach I found two Shiva's eyes (they mean good luck).
We trekked for ages. One time we had to go through thick dense aired shrub, it was really hot in the bushes and all I could think of was COBRAS!!! We walked, stopping to drink from a bottle of water, until we came to the beach Shaan Roy was on...
Shaan was not there but the film crew was, and they were filming a dancing sequence. I took a video of them and many photos!
After lunch we strolled down to Vagator town and had a mango milk shake at the juice bar.


  1. Hi All! Just been catching up with all your blogging and photos etc. Sounds like you're having a great time. Abbey's and Frances's blogs are really well written, really vivid (well, ok, yours too, Camille & Gerard!).

    Any idea when you're likely to be in Yorkshire? Are you just going to make contact when you arrive in London and we'll see what's what then, or do you have something specific in mind?


  2. Totally love reading the posts. you guys are awesome!
