Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Leaving Goa

Well its our last day in Anjuna, we spent most of it packing and cleaning up and then took a last swim, last cocoa nut (and Permeela kept the change but we didn't have the heart to haggle with her...) and when (or if) Neptune returns from his next venture into town, we will have our last dinner out and we have chosen the German Bakery as our favourite.

We have had a great time. These last few days have been so busy that it is impossible to find time to blog, except in dribs and drabs. But tomorrow we catch another long time train and I am sure we will be able to tell you all our news while we travel (post when we arrive in Delhi).

Dharamsala will be quite another thing all together. This has been a real tropical holiday experience... with a lot of learning also, but the next adventure will probably be much different. Still this has been a good introduction. Amongst the palms, the surf, the music, the food there has also been the beggars, the haggling, the trash, the decay. All of which there is more to say about....

It is great to read your comments and as corny as the term 'followers' is, it is nice to know that we are in contact with you and not just writing into cyber space. I will endeavour to keep up-dating the photos regularly. We take so many that each day there are more to show but I know some of you don't get to the broad band or internet often enough to have seen them before they would have to be changed... At some point this adventure will slow a little and the photos will catch up?

Time to go! Love to you all. Camille


  1. The photos are great, Sasha and I have looked at them lots of times.
    We can't believe there is a photo of Abbey and Frances actually hugging! :)
    It looks really pretty there.
    Miss you guys!!!

  2. The picture are lovely, feels like I'm back in goa. That must be Neptune's girl friend in the pictures??
    We're building a chicken coop...guess we got inspired when we were at your house.
    Love being a "follower", Nina

  3. Well it seems that time is collapscene everywherez ..... I've been given one of the farm houses up at Markarna to stay in during the week to save on petrol and today was spent unpacking boxes I've been meaning to get to for years. I mustave been on a bit of a trashnburn momentum because I managed to successfully halve the collection...... maybe next weekend I'll give it another go until I've got nothing left at all except to become multidimensional and bless you with my company or maybe i could just make sundays blog day........lalalaaaaaaarv the blog anyway it comes and loves youze Zzzxxxx.

  4. Great pictures - this is such an awesome thing you guys are doing! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Your blog is so much better than the travel stuff one gets on TV. Where else can we visit 20/20 cricket, a chat to the Dalia Lama's offsider, 16 Chia shops in one day and end up in the German bakery. I just love it. On a less flippant note, the contact you are having and the contribution you make to the communities you visit is really lovely. Keep up the good work.
    Cheers to you all. Paul

  6. What an amazing experience. When you first talked about going to India I had no idea of what was ahead of you. I'm not sure you did either. I guess by now you are well established in the UK and as good as it is it must be something of an anticlimax after your Indian adventures. Keep on bloging.

  7. Love the photos. Scotland has a look that is not unlike Tas in some of the pics. It must be great for you catching up with so many of your friends from your other life. Incidently I am riding Cavello again and he has been just so good. He seems to have grown up during his years off. Or maybe it's me that has grown up.
    Cheers to you all Paul
