Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Last Night

Friday,getting ready leaving!

On Friday we start getting ready to leave. We pack our bags and pick out clothes to wear,
then we start cleaning the house. Later we go for our last swim and our last coconut at the beach. We see a lady near a sick dog and we go over to it. Its got a rotten ear, it cant move and the tide is coming in. The lady was trying to call the animal rescue people, so we leave it, knowing that she will help it.
When we get home we all have a shower and leave for the German bakery. We arrive and sit down. We get two mixed veg curry with rice, Mum, Dad, Gypsy and Neptune have different meals.
The German bakery has a special animal like most places. There's the Beach Dog, Skull Dog (hangs out at O' Manuel O - the reason he is called skull dog is because he has two big black dots like a skull's eyes and one black dot like a skull's nose), there's our dogs that hang at our place and the kitten that hangs at German bakery.
The kitten comes over and wants Gypsy's food she calls a waiter to take him away but after a while of no kitten, he leaps out of the waiters hands. The kitten snuggles up to Frances and I, it is so cutesy cutesy. After we eat I play with the kitten dangling a piece of string over it's head (not touching it at all because it might bite in fun and be carrying rabies) .
We go home and drop to sleep.


1 comment:

  1. That kitten sounds so cute!
    Keep up the good writing.
