Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday Night Market

              Hey guys we went to a night market.
We watched a gypsy band that had a gypsy dancer.
She had shaky anklets and a beautiful dress .
There were these little girls running around pretending
that they were beggars but they were actually begging and got about ten
rupees . We bought a shawl that I lost on the way to the German bakery
that was a beautiful little bakery that looked like something out of Mama Mia..
It had lanterns and one big tree that was the roof. Little tables and cushions for
chairs. The lanterns hung from the trees and vines from the trees
separated the low tables with cushions on the floor from the other tables and cushions.
We ate and watched a movie premier starring a new actor who,  after this movie became an actor in the new Twilight movie - Eclipse. We started to walk back but because Neptune had a motorbike Frances and I
went on the back through the winding paths back to our home.. We brushed our teeth and went to bed



  1. Hey that movie sounds cool. Who's the new actor?

  2. Abbey .......I can just see your bedroom changing decor when you get back, to that of a market bazaar and your bed getting motorcycle handle bars added to it for those night dreaming escapades

  3. You guys all sound like you are having such a great time. Hooraay. Totally enjoying reading all the entries (once I figured out i had to actually check in to see if you guys had written...i was totally waiting for an email message) got it now, so i'm totally following!!
