Thursday, March 25, 2010

Old Goa

We went to old Goa by bus. The first church we went to was so huge, the roof was so high up! There was a main hall, then little side halls for the saints. One part of the church was blocked off, inside the blocked off part every where was golden with wooden benches.

We walked to the next church, Abbey and I saw the cutest puppy, it was as small as Dads hand. A man almost stepped on the poor little thing!

In the Church of St. Francis Xavier, there was a main hall and off to one side there was a glass coffin with a dead man in it!!!!! The body was of St. Francis Xavier and has lasted over 500 years minus two arms. The body was 'incorrupt' as opposed to mummified.

Write more soon


    1 comment:

    1. I was looking for the golden benches in the slide show but I only saw beautiful people, their beds and lovely flowers and a puppy.......did I miss I nearly completed another part of a new fence except for the droppers, they were ordered 2 months ago....that's island life for you, one learn's to be patient even at work, then I had to repair a fence that the truck drivers had mangled getting too close with their road building antics hmmph! There's always the fun ride home on the farm bike going flat out just me on the white gravel roads laughing at the cows and hoping the big fat grasshoppers flight paths aren't in line with my face, as I fly by. Hugz Zzzxxxx
