Thursday, April 8, 2010

We wake up and lets skip the boring part ok, wake go and meet Tashi Nans friend and we go to see the slum camp. There's this boy that says hello( with awesome jeans on) he must be... my age maybe (you can never tell with Indian kids because they are so small). First we look at the primary “sort of” quiet tent school, then we look at the loud crying nursery. Every one likes us and asks us stuff and the little children are so cute and they all want to hold my hands.
The second day we go down we walk along the short cut to Dharamsala (it takes an hour). Me and Frances spend the time talking about GUGS, T shirts ,and horse shows while mum power walks down worrying about what to do with Tong-Len. We arrive and say hello to many children then we start to help with the slum tent school. After two hours of cry listen and choop ( that means quiet ). we have lunch and say good bye after chasing two girls around trying to tickle them. Oh I forgot Arti she is one of the helpers that I helped read she is very nice and kind. The third day. Ok we have some cards and a letter for some games. When we arrive we say hello and sit down to help. Today Frances is taking the younger kids of the older kid and Dad is taking the older ones to do maths and spelling. Me and mum are still with the little kids tent. We played the card game and then the 'send a letter to my friend' game we played mirror and Simon say and Arti gave me seven bangles and two anklets I thanked her. At lunch I learned Arti was married and pregnant. At play I asked her about the baby. All the kid made me sing and dance it was funny. We did thumb wars, clapping games and arm wrestles with the boys. It was so funny once one of the boys was pushing so hard in a arm wrestle he farted we all cracked up. We again said good bye and got the jeep home. The jeep drivers like to fit 15 people in their jeeps!!!


  1. don't know how you can travel in the jeep? I would rather walk even though it is longer.One time Nina and I were going down the mountain and the front wheels cam off the Jeep , that was my last ride in the Jeep.bus is

  2. Heya Abbie that was nice to hear you are sharing your singing and dancing with others, i would like to have been there and watched too. i hope you can teach the children some of the songs you know and that they will teach you some of theirs to bring home to us. The photos are girls are doing such a good job of keeping us all so well informed. It's so much fun to come home after the end of my wheeeelee interesting days fencing to read and see what you've all been up to....i'll resist telling you what i got up to today az usual it waz orflea exciting!!! az you can imagine...huge hugz+loves to you Zzzxxxx
