Saturday, April 24, 2010


My heart pumped as we walked into H.H.G.K room. I held out my special silk cloth. The karmapa placed the cloth over my head and I walked away with my hands poised in praying position. After everyone else got the same treatment he ushered us to have a seat. He sat down and looked into Javita's eyes like “so! what is your question?!” She started with what she did in the USA, which is principle of a school where they bring loaded guns and sharp knives to school. She said how she had interviewed us and compared to the kids in her school we were enlightened! She also got us to say what our answer was to 'what is the most important thing in your life' I said "chocolate ,family ,pets ,and friends" Frances said the same except instead of pets and chocolate she said Lochy. Then Javita asked him what was his answer to that question he thought long and hard about it and then said well "chocolate, it tastes, it is your friend" and "relationships and friends" he laughed at the chocolate thing a bit late but it was funny. He looked annoyed at every question like he had so many questions in a day that he was bored of them. I watched his every move like he was a criminal. I listened like never before - until I saw one of the monks catching bugs off the window and saying prayers as he let the bug outside - then I was back on his case listening, looking, waiting, catching everything. His face was funny and goofy, his words did not sound holy and enlightened. He was a friend not a holy man who was locked in his temple because he could get shot or exploded by Chinese spies or even just Chinese people who killed many Tibetans and the ones who survive have to climb through the Himalayas to McLeod Ganj where the Indians keep them safe and dry - but lots of Chinese spies go to the teachings of the holy ones... In return to the Indians let the Tibetans stay in India. Tong-len which mean giving and receiving gives to an Indian slum as you know. 
Back to the point... he was not as much as I thought, although I liked him better the way he was, than what I thought he was. His hum was made by pursed lips and a thronging sound made deep in his throat. I spent my time smiling ,laughing ,and paying great attention to what he had to say. At the end something extraordinary happened to me. The monk who was catching bugs was ushered out the back which we thought was for chai but we were wrong. The monk carried out a hand full of chocolates (at this point I did not just think he loved chocolate, I thought the Karmapa must be a addict like me to have a huge hand full of chocolate in his back room. After he had sorted though the chocolates he pulled out one of my favourite chocolates Ferrero Rocher

and walked over to me he passed the chocolate to me and I said thank you we hopped up to have a photo and he gave Frances a snickers bar. He made me stand in front of him and then he stood up tall and said I am the tallest person here. We all laughed and had the photo taken we said bye and left.

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