Sunday, April 4, 2010

100,000,000 steps to heaven

On Friday we went trekking to the saddle, you know the one in the foot hills of the Himalayas!  Any way it was so high and beautiful. (To find out more clink on the link On the way there were these gorgeous trees with flowers that were so perfect and pink and pretty! They were called Rhododendrons. It took so long and I was really tired. The only thing that kept me was biscuits, noodles and soft drinks. There were three chai shops along the way. When we got there it was stunning. I was so tired I did not wont to go back down but we had to go after a while. Down, down, down, down, down.. We stopped at the second chai shop. We sat down and rested, Then we hopped up and were off. On the way Dad and Antoinette took a wrong turn (I thought it was the other way) we ended up going a completely different track but finally after speaking to an old pony and goat herder we found the road to Dharamcot (near McLoed). When we got home Frances, who had been sick at home in bed, bathed our feet in hot water and then I fell asleep.

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