Monday, April 19, 2010

Today we visited the Tong-leg hostel. First we went to the girls hostel, they had the cutest little puppies and after weeks and weeks of not being allowed to touch dog or cats, Dad finally let us!!! We met the girls at the hostel first and they did the best dancing ever, just like all the movies!!! They got Abbey and I to dance with them. Dad tried to copy them and sent them into fits of laughter. We were shown around the hostel by some eager girls. It was just like a house but with BIG bedrooms! After some boys took us to the boys hostel and showed us around. Dad got some of their lesson books and asked them questions from them. We went up to the roof and they showed us the school they go to that was near by and when we were up there it started to rain!!!
The kids at the hostel were cool calm and collected compared with the ones at them slum, you could tell that they liked to learn and were interested in the world around them. The boy who showed us around passionately told us about how it was important for the hostel kids to teach the people at the camp things like not having too many kids! They love living at the hostel, they love their families coming to visit but they don't want to go back.

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