Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Abbey has felt sick for the past few days and I got sick this morning!!! What luck! Little did we know that His Holiness The Dalai Lama was returning to Mcloed Ganj... this morning at 10.30!!!
Mum phoned us (on our sick beds) to tell us that he was coming. I got up and put some warm jumpers and pants on, Abbey put on her bright pink Salwai Kameez or Salma Mcgeez 

as she likes to call it, and we made our way down to the temple where we phoned Antoinette and asked where she was. She was still at home. So Abbey and I had a shake at Coffee Talk and then started to walk down to the Kora, or Circumambulation (the path around the Dalai Lamas home and Temple). We met Antoinette there and waited for HH The Dalia Lama to drive past. 
We waited for half an hour before I saw the first car then Bang! HH The Dalia Lama was waving and driving past us. Everyone bowed and held incense. Abbey said she could only see glasses - the windows were tinted - but Antoinette said that he probably saw her (she was the only one wearing BRIGHT pink and yellow!). We walked up and had some waffles and icecream and then went home to rest...



  1. Abbey i didn't realise you look so gorgeous in pink.....i must get some of those salma mageez nice stretchy ones down to my knees and of course a matching Abbey colour hair piece.....just joking about the hair...howz the home schooling going gurlz.

    Frances i think you should approach the australian women's weekly about supplying a regular roving teen travel article, and shape up a biweekly number with the best bitz for it with photos of course .......just telling it like it is for someone your age out of your own culture...could be a budding career in journalism just waitng to leap into action ......whaddya think??? Loves+hugz to you two sweetpeas....hope you're both feeling better tomorrow................ Zzzxxxxxx

  2. I hope you guys get better. I haven't been to good either, I had a bit of a cold and last night I had a really bad head ache but I'm alright now.
    We just came back from riding at our new place and we rode Pigeon and Thor and went for a ride up Riannon's road to see if she was there but she wasn't.
    C u!
