Sunday, April 11, 2010

To the hairdresser

So we went to the hair dresser with Nan's friend, Ami and her adopted Tibetan daughter, Psumpa and their friend Tika.. first we met them at the Japanese restaurant and had veg curry for lunch. Then we got a taxi to the road above Dharamccot, where Ria's (the hairdresser) two little Indian girls, led us to their house It was so beautiful and the garden was so awesomely pretty.

Psumpa got the first hair cut. She had a sort of trim sort of cut. I was next and I had a trim. Frances had a cut but she will tell you what it was HA HA HA HA!!!. Any way while Frances had her hair cut Psumpa and I played. We tried to catch little blue butterflies. Once there was this huge black butterfly with a red body but we could not catch it =-(. After Ami and Tika had a hair cut Ami phoned her friend who told her that the birth day party she was going to, that was supposed to be next to our house had ran out of water so they had moved it... next to the hair dresser's house!. We had the hair dressers home made bread,jam,and chai, then invited our selves to the party. She was delighted to see us with Ami and Psumpa.. Psumpa introduced us to her friend from school who had an awesome phone that could take photos of us with a moustache,a big nose,glasses,and bushy eye brows on. It also was a touch phone with a stick like a Nintendo. We played around and then had some yummy cake but we had to go before dark because we were walking back. We said goodbye and went to meet Dad for dinner at Moonpeak Thali

I got my hair cut yesterday by Ria... I wish that I had been more specific because the layers of my hair are too short to put in a plait or a low pony tail I have to put it in a very high pony tail just to keep it up!!! Also my hair is kinda curly/fizzy!!! Apart from that the rest of the hair cut was nice.
The party.... Psumpa introduced us to some of her school friends; we left after cake and walked all the way along the bumpy road, through the monkey forest back to Mcloed Ganj. We saw some monkeys sitting on the branches of a pine tree. They were a bit to close for comfort!!! If a monkey threatens to attack you, you're supposed to throw a rock at it but if that fails you need a man to drop his dacks, as Antoinette told Mum and Abbey, apparently size matters in the monkey world...
We met Dad at Moonpeak Thali (Abbey did not want to go there) and ate dinner then went home and ZZZZZZ!!!!
Frances xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Oh well could always come and have another haircut when you get home, with me....I leave lasting impressions so your mother says.... I just remembered another game ...have you played cat and mouse yet???just in case you haven't....players stand in a circle holding hands....the' mouse' stands inside the circle, the cat stands outside the circle......the cat tries to catch the mouse but the circle tries to hinder the cat by raising and lowering it's arms. For 90 children you probably want two circles with several mice and cats in each

    ooooor...hokey pokey......everyone in a circle or two or three...blindfold the one in the middle and give her a rolled up newspaper or long feather.....turn the one in the middle around 3X then she must make her way over to someone in the circle and touch them gently saying hokey pokey, umbrella, kangaroo, anything and the touched one must reply 3X with that word....the blind one must guess who is speaking...after 3 failed recognitions they must sit out...or change places with the person they recognise

    oooooorrr....monkey wants a tree......everyone in circles the bigger the circle the better......monkey in the middle.......number everyone in the circle
    the monkey calls out 'monkey wants a tree please' and then three numbers......the numbers and the monkey run to the nearest gap......

    oooooooorrr...hotter colder undercover people leave the space......hide a small object or two in someone's hand or under their foot.......make it so people are easy to walk the detectives back they get closer to the object the crowd calls 'hot, warm, cold, freezing etc'
    each detective gets 3 chances to guess whose foot or hand is hiding the object and then they are out, so it's good if people are milling around some close some far apart.....

    still theeenking.....I've just had a possum try to get into my porch through the fly screen, pesky thing. I moved house on the weekend what a chore.......i'm nearly all 'here' now tho just the gardening thingz to collect and the yard to clean up next sunday. Windy as all buggery here today i was glad to go tractor driving at the end of it then home to hot barley soup and stillness and catching up with my mad glaziers bay looney tunes in india....keep up the good work know i may never let you come home this is more communication than we've ever attempted before in all our lives!!!

