Saturday, July 24, 2010


After trapeze we went to Sahara's friend Kesha's place for dinner, Kesha had her boyfriend over and her Mum (She lives in New York and she has seen Justin Bieber and Dolly Parton!). 

Her Mum told us to come and visit (I was like hell yeah!). Kesha had made a very nice dinner for us and we had a nice watermelon. Abbey and I tried to show a clip of Justin Bieber to her on her phone but her phone only showed prank ones! Sahara fell asleep and Kesha told us that at parties you draw pictures on the face of the first peeps to fall asleep! We didn't because she woke up but now when my girlfriends are over LOOK OUT! We walked home late at night and I was tired.

I woke up and had a shower and ate my breakfast. Mum, Abbey and I walked to the zoo. We saw the cutest prairie dogs! They were sitting in the enclosure. Two were eating some hay that was around the entrance to one of the burrow. One was around the back digging under a log. All around the enclosure were wasps buzzing back and forth, the wasps were huge!
We walked further and saw a tiger. Abbey said that we should pretend the pictures of the tiger at the zoo was taken at Rathanbore, I naturally said NO!
After the tiger we saw lynxes, spiders, meerkats, monkeys, gorilla's and otters. There were five male otters. One of them kept on going to a clump of grass and pouncing on the clump and pulling with all it's might then running back to a hollow log with the grass in it's mouth. The rest of them came up to the ditch before the fence and stared at all of the visitors!

We also saw a panda bear and a fishing cat. In the cats place there was a under water bit that you could see into and in the water there were goldfish... They were there for the cat to catch. 

We went to the bird house and saw spoonbills, ducks, herons, pigeons and flamingos. There was a place that you could walk into a room that had birds in it. There was a peacock and some really strange pigeons with a fan of feathers on top of their heads. A volunteer said that there was one bird there that would hit you with it's wings and draw blood! I didn't believe him but he did sound like he new what he was talking about! 

Abbey and I shared a fairy floss (cotton candy) while we walked home. We walked past Target and dropped into get some mini shorts. After that we went home to find Sahara worked form home. Abbey and Sahara made dinner, I washed up. Then while we were going to bed Abbey and I had a pillow fight...
Write More Soon

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