Saturday, July 31, 2010


Well we had a great day! We needed to catch the tram... ok I admit Abbey and I weren't very fast getting ready so we missed the first tram so we had to wait for the next one. 

While we were waiting Mum spotted two bags full of toys next to a garbage bin. So Abbey and her looked into the bags and found a collectors bear and some really cute other bears. (In San Fran people leave stuff out that they don't want so other people can take the stuff). Abbey ran them back up to the house. We thought Jasmine Rose might like them. Anyway we caught the tram to the CBD and found a mall to go window shopping in! As we walked around a lady who was selling a really really cool hair straightener/curler did some of my hair. That was cool.

We went into a teen shop and saw some nice clothes Mum really liked a pretty jacket but it was too expensive. Abbey saw a chocolate shop and was there in a second! The man let us try some it was SO yummy! There was a nest made of chocolate with eggs and a chocolate bird as well! Ok as you can guess I LOVE shopping! 

After shopping we went back to Ben and Savy's place and Mum made Savy dinner while Abbey and I checked emails and watched the Karate Kid trailer (the new one with Jaden Smith).

Hope you're a good mother

(Meg told me that her brothers dog is expecting!!!)
After dinner Savy drove us in his really cool car (it has a sun roof and a built in computer) to Ben's playback theatre class. We told him and his class mate a story and they had to act it out. Mum told them about the slum camp and they did the playback so well Mum's eyes started watering!!! We told them lots of stories and when class was finished Ben's teacher drove us back to Ben's and we went to bed.
So now I am listening to 'Kiss n Tell' by Justin Bieber!
Write More Soon


  1. Awesome, awesome and awesome! Did you get any more clothes? Or just looked?
    Mwa, mwa, mwa. Esther

  2. As above so below awesome, awesome, awsome and can someone tell me what mwa, mwa, mwa your stories play acted out that's amazing...........I didn't know Ben was so into drama....loveyez Zzzxxxxxx
