Thursday, July 22, 2010

Washington DC

We get the train from Amelo to the airport. After we check in Frances and I walk around the Airport while mum and dad do Internet. Frances and I buy some cute looking hoop earrings. We hop on the aeroplane to DC. Saharah Moon is there to meet us. We go to her place and I go to sleep, its still day time.

I wake up and we walk down to see her new house that she is buying. Its tall (needs a little doing up) and it has a big tree in the front that shades the house. I am so, so, so jet-lagged. We wander up to see the fountain. All the little girls and boys are playing in it. One little girl takes off her clothes to put on her swim suit but she dodges her mums hand and runs off to the fountain. One time the mum nearly gets the swim suit on but she takes it off and the mum gives in. We go home and have a small dinner and sleep (ok I have to tell you it is nearly as hot as India).
'The family'
'Sahara eating lunch'
'Pretty butterfly'
When I wake up (really early) I have breakfast and we deicide to go for a walk in the park. Mum and I take pictures of butterflies' wings and heads

. We walk around looking at the poison ivy. Then its time for dad to go to the airport. So we go and hug dad good bye bye bye bye. We go to the swimming pool. Its so refreshing and nice. Frances and I wade around talking about stuff like 'I miss my friends' and 'I miss nanny poop and the horses'. When we get home we have another dinner and go to sleep. We wake for the third day to go canoeing (so fun). We arrive at the river and hire two canoes and go for it.

Mum and I in one and Saharah and Frances in the other. They speed ahead and we go slow. Half way through mummy has to do it by herself because I am aching. I go to sleep on the way back. We see a turtle as we are leaving. The turtle has its head held high and when we get a metre. We go to Trader Joe's and get food. Then go home to eat and sleep.


Washington DC.

Hey, yesterday Ben came to Washington DC!! He was on a course in Virginia and had the day in town before he flew back home. So we spent the day with him while Saharah Moon was at work. We went to the American Indian Museum and watched some of the old legends of the tribes on a screen surrounded by all the traditional dresses.

This is a story about one of the star constellations. It begins with a girl and her little sister. They are playing with their friends who decide to play being bears. The older sister tells the younger sister to hide in the bush because she thinks that something bad will happen. The little sister hides and the big sister turns into a real bear and kills every one except the little sister, whom she makes her slave. The little sister is picking berries for the bear when her brothers return from war. She asks them to help her. They tell her that she must find out the bears weakness. The bear tells her that it will die if someone chops of its little toes, but if any blood escapes the bear will come back to life. So the brothers put brambles around the cave entrance. When the bear comes out she pricks her foot and falls over. The brothers chop her little toes off and burn her but one drop of blood escapes and she comes back and is mad . The bear tries to kill them but one brother picks up a stone and asks it to help. The ground lifts up the children leaving the bear on the ground. The ground continues to rise until the siblings turn into stars. The bear says rather sadly 'you're safe now' ...but it's too late.

We had some traditional American Indian food and then walked back to the train station with Ben, he caught the train to the airport while we went home.


Saharah Moon and Mum woke us up early and we drove to a trapeze studio and yes, that's right, we did 'fly'. At first I was so scared! I climbed up the ladder and waited for the instructor to clip me onto the safety ropes. I stood on the edge of the suspended platform with my toes over the edge. The instructor held onto the back of my belt while I gripped the bar with my right hand, then with my left.

The Instructor said 'ready' then 'hup' and I jumped off. I swung back and forth then I tried to get my legs onto the bar but my arms were too weak! When I was told to let go I dropped onto the net and then hopped off. The next time I managed to get my legs up and then I tried to do a back flip (which failed) and landed. The third time I did a back flip - you swing your legs back then forward three times then let go and grip your knees, the momentum swings you around, you do a back flip and land on your bottom on the net.

We did a few more of the same, then we did a catch...
That means there are two peeps up in the air, you and another person who catches you. So while the person prepares themselves you get ready and when they call 'hup' you jump off the platform (holding the bar) swing your knees over the bar and you let go with your hands and swing back then the other person grips your hands and you straighten your legs and they hold onto you, swinging you with them till they tell you to let go and you drop off and land on the net!
Ok I did it on the first try!!!
It was so fun but like I said to Saharah I prefer HORSES!!!
Write More Soon

We have again been having a busy and fun time. Of course it was sad that Gerard had to go home and miss out on this last leg of the adventure... but he had some of his own adventures on the way home... and he will have much to do to keep him busy till we get back!!!!! In the meantime us girls continue to navigate our way around DC successfully and find plenty of new and interesting things to see and do with the help of our trusty tour director SM. Fancy that I managed to do trapeze at all let alone a fairly decent catch...

I am a hopeless vertigobe under normal conditions.

Washington like Holland, has been suffering a heat wave and we are just in from a lengthy day in the sun so I am heading for a cold shower. Chow. 

Hope you like my video and that it doesn't cause too much hassle down loading.


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