Friday, July 30, 2010

We wake up and get dressed have breakfast and then do maths, blog, and every thing else.
Ben is at home today and so we do an exercise. I have my eye's taped shut and put sunglasses on so Fran does not get embarrassed but mum has a blind fold on. So we go down the street with only smells and sounds and Frances and Ben to guide us, so scary and fun. We walk and they stop us to see if we know some smells and feels of plants like gum tree, passion fruit and some others. We walk to the park and take a tiny peek which makes me cry while ripping a corner off the tape. I put it back on and keep walking I know now what sound it is when we are next to a road and under a tree or on a foot path.
Mum and I listen to Ben saying hello to a dog that barks loudly and so we go. When we get to where we are supposed to be, which mum and I don't no where we are, we get sat down and we wait and then they say try this and its ice cream. They say what flavour. I say vanilla and mint choc chip. My face swelled a bit when I ripped the tape off. But the ice cream made it feel much much better. We went to a opp shop and because there was nothing my size I put funny looking high heels on and also looked at stuff for Fran. After that we went home and did an art project and that was fun.

And that is what Ben does for work as a therapist
 P.S. One thing I have to ask you guys,  why aren't you commenting, am I writing to myself...!?

Ok so just down the road from Ben and Savy's there are tonnes of street murals and Mum set me up a task; I have to tell you guys a little bit about the Murals so...

The murals of San Francisco are keeping an age old Mexican tradition alive with their bright colours and meaningful pictures. 

The story behind each one is different like in Balmy Alley there is one in remembrance of people who die from AID’s. 

Nearly every street in the Mission District is lined with murals and a street without looks out of place.

Some of the murals are done in traditional Mexican style and others are done with a more modern look, like some are based on video games. 

Ok well better get back to the pile of school work I still have to do... I am listening to Justin Bieber 'kiss and tell'....
Write More Soon


  1. Those murals are the best! Love dad

  2. Ok I am going to start commenting more now. You guys are getting sooooooooo good at writing.
    Frances is "Kiss and tell" on you tube? anyway I'll look it up. I love JB and my fav girl is in "One less lonely girl".
    Gotta go feed those horseys,
    mwa, mwa. esther

  3. YEP! KISS AND TELL IS ON YOUTUBE abbey likes that girl 2 i dont like any of them because they get 2 be with JB and I don't

  4. Ha ha! You that girl in 'one time'? Well she is really weird :) :)
    I didn't know that you could comment back, cool.

  5. You girlz are doing so many amazing thingz I'm so glad you've got the blog to remember them with. It's so easy to forget to comment when your stories are so much more fun to read than hearing about another day in fencing land...........just keep on writing as we would have to beat the stories out of you if you didn't do the blog, when you got home heheheh........just joking Zzzxxxxxx
    p.s. we still lovez youze even when we don't respond!!!!!
