Monday, July 12, 2010

Cornwall to London

So we woke up at the caravan place that 'had' a view that didn't exist! Hopped into the van and drove to the visitors centre. At lunch time we walked down to the coast and saw Tintagle castle. King Arthur was said to have lived here. We didn't go to the ruins because it cost heaps but we did walk along the head land and looked across the water at the Island (the castle is on the Island). We lay in the long grass and watch the Atlantic ocean heaving to and thro, the birds gliding and the throngs of visitors pouring along the Corninsh coastline. We collected more beautiful pebbles and had a lovely day. We made dinner and went to another beach to clamber over rocks and investigate caves then we found another caravan park a nice one and went 'home' to sleep.....

I wake up and go to have a shower. We play pool (in the caravan parks game room) and Frances wins (only because I sank the black ball).
We get ready to go but mum needs to update the blog. We wait and wait but mum can't get the  photos on. Eventually they go on. So we drive to a beach and dad and I go swimming ( so cold but so fun). The waves are so strong but not as strong as Arambol's waves.

I keep on asking dad to hold my hand and he does. After our swim  we have an ice cream (m mmmmmmmm). I have a mint choc chip ( so does Fran) and mum and dad have a Choc chip chocolate. After we drive  to see the Exmoors (Exmoor ponies running on Exmoor).

At first there's just the same old ( beautiful) hedges that are made up of Beaches, fox glove, sweat flowers, ivy and rock walls. Then we see the moor and then the ponies. They are so sweet and I want one
( please mummy pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeee!!!!!!!!!) I already had one, well a cross one, Darby). They were to tute to be true!!!!!( a hole herd of Darbys WAWAWA) we circle around them and they all look at us. There is a stallion, a yearling and mares.

The yearling wants to play with another mare  and she romps off and plays.  We find somewhere to sleep and of coarse we hmmm sleep! (Are last sleep in the van ever! Wawaw  awa ).


We woke up and drove to Stonehenge. We did not actually go in (because they charge a fortune!) but we looked though the fence at it any way. Did you know that Stonehenge was built then they found that it was in the wrong place and had to take it down and then move the stones thirty metres to one side and rebuild it again? Some of the stones were bought from 250 miles away!

No trucks to move them!!!  We then drove to another larger stone circle at Avebury and walked all around it with our meadow sweet flowers. We had a 'holy' ice cream and then went to the Uppington chalk horse, the oldest chalk horse -  around 3 to 4 thousand years old! We walked up to the head of the horse and saw the valley and Dragons Hill. Dragons Hill is supposedly the place where St. George killed and buried the dragon. Also King Arthur's father King Uther is supposed to be buried there.

We walked back to the van and started the long drive to London...
A guy called Peter phoned on the way to tell us that he was coming to buy the van with cash in hand and then we got a phone call from a guy called William telling us he was there with the money (dad was not expecting anyone else apart from Peter). So anyway while Mum talked to William, Dad missed the turn off and ended up going on the A 26 to Dover!!! AHHHH! Anyway we told the two people to go home because by now it was 11pm! So eventually we arrived at Tommy's place and he was not there! He thought we were arriving the next day!!!! AHHHH! Anyway he came on his bike and Abbey was like 'He came like a superhero', she needed to go to the toilet and we were going to have to park/camp on the main road!!!
Write More Soon

1 comment:

  1. You guys are having so much fun! All the photos are great and I wish I was there so I could ride there :)
    Miss you
