Thursday, July 29, 2010

San Francisco

So Mum, Abbey and I walked through San Francisco. Up and down the hills (San Fran gets the award of city with the biggest hills) in and out of the tall buildings.

As we walked we ate some plums that Mum had got off the side of the road in a paper bag (peoples put out things that they don't want out on the side of the street) plumbs. It was a really long walk but we saw lots of San Fran. When we finally reached Golden Gate Park we saw all the homeless peeps =(.

We saw squirrels and one boy had a kite that was in the shape of a dragon which was so cool. It looked really real from afar.

It was nice walking through the park but Mum wasn't too impressed she thought it the traffic was too 'busy' in what was supposed to be a people park (Quote).We wanted to see the Japanese Tea Garden but it cost too much and we also wanted to see a museum but it cost $25.99 for an adult and $15 each child so Mum was like NO WAY!
We could have walked further along and came to riding stables but we looked at the time and had to hurry back because we were going to cook for Savy. On the way back we quickly popped into a shop and saw this amazing carving it was so well carved and every thing was in so much detail.(double click to zoom into see the detail)

After Savy drove us to where Ben was and we went shopping. The shop was huge and everything was organic and whole food (Mum's heaven)!!! Then we came home and went to bed.
Write More Soon

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San Francisco is so awesome it has the prettiest painted ladies ( houses that the poets and writers in the Victorian days lived in). 

The houses are always painted with three or more colours that enhance the intricate swirls and flowers that are mixed together and make the painted ladies stand out! They also look grand and graceful with their big stair ways and pretty colours.

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 We also saw the bad things about San Francisco. Homeless people with dogs or cats lay on the ground sleeping. They pushed their trolleys around the streets asking for help, food or money. I thought it somewhat like India but all white people. I thought it sad and lonely. If I were homeless I would get a dog or a cat to give me company and reassurance.

We went to the Golden Gate Park and walked around a bit. It was not impressive and it cost a lot of money to go in the buildings and the Japanese tea garden. So we headed home. When we arrived we cooked a delicious pasta sauce and mushroom meal and I ate three servings of it mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm!!!! After we went to the big grocery store and bought some food. We got home and had the most delicious pie in the world and some ice cream and went to bed

1 comment:

  1. That sculpture ooooooaaaaaaah,great phots of the's cold here today with frost slowly melting away and my beautiful warm fire blazing........naerly ready to nip out to Max's to get some fresh ground coffee for my sunday morning treat with cinnamon buns and mountain heaps of butter and maple syrup lipsmackinglish..........wishyouwerehere hahahah lovez+hugz Zzzxxxxxx
