Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rise up this morning
smiled with the rising sun
three little birds pitch by my doorstep
singing sweet songs 
of melodies pure and true
saying, this is my message to you oo oo

Dont worry about a thing
Cause every little thing is gunna be alright 
Dont worry about a thing
Cause every little thing is gunna be alright

Thats a Bob Marley song that they sing most mornings here. Its one of the kids favourites. They sing it with such gusto, it really is rather up lifting. The whole camp staff mentality is 'up up up'. They are totally dedicated to talking to the campers in positive only voices. Often if there is something unpleasant to be spoken about then it is done as a performance (rap, opera, theatrical). Of course safety is treated seriously but done ever so well.
Last night Jose presented a skit some of the kids had been working on using 'Theatre of the Oppressed' or 'Forum Theatre' as they call it here so it doesn't have too negative a tone. The actors acted out a classic playground bullying scenario and individual members of the audience got up on stage to finish the story in ways they felt may have been more helpful for the character that was 'oppressed'. I was amazed by how passionately the kids responded, totally unafraid to act out the scene even though were not the theatrical performers of camp. They really enjoyed it. Today was sleep-in day. This is the day the teen staff take a break so there aren't as many helpers, which meant that when the kids woke up they went to the Big Top to watch cartoons until they were hungry enough to serve themselves breakfast up at the kitchen. At 10.30 breakfast and cartoons were over and it was camp cleanup time until lunch and then normal afternoon activities. The evening program was movie night. I was again the beach shuttle driver, a job I quite enjoy, playing loud music that the kids all sing to as we head to and from the lake.
Again the food was terrific and with three cooked meals a day I can see myself returning home much the shape of a little hog straight off the Hog Farm. The salad bar is particularly delicious with much of it grown in the gardens and delivered by dog cart each morning.
Nina, Jasmine and Papa departed today. Nina had to go back to work which is sad, I had gotten quite used to hanging out at the very lovely space that is the nurses dome. Papa has gone to stay with her for the week and they will all return for the Big Show on the last day of camp next Saturday. Saharah Moon is back from her weekend in San Francisco dragging her annoying toe with her, on her crutches and feeling miserable about her new house that she just bought and was excited to start painting but cant because she cant climb a ladder.
Tomorrow is only a week till we fly home. Can you believe it? Twenty four weeks are nearly over!

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