Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Last night was dance party night we all dressed up in fine or crazy clothes and danced the night away. I was in the costume barn again so it was fun but exhausting and this morning I have early riser (6.30am) and then its back to the barn to put away all the finery. I have a fairly hectic schedule today with slide top for the afternoon, making sure they don't go down the water slide together. And free time supervisor in the lino grove (hoola hoop site).

The girls are having a fun time. Abbey has made it in the kitchen walk on tall stilts so she can be in the parade on show night.

Frances group of friends has fragmented some what so that its really just her and Sitsi, who refers not to do stuff like swimming, stilts, unicycle... so she has been doing art and hoola hoops... Anyhow she seems pleased with those choices!
Tonight is Adventure night. I am on origami (for the less adventurous). Only four more days of camp left!!

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