Sunday, August 8, 2010

Papa G came to Ben and Savy's and drove us up to Nina's in a camper van (1000 times bigger than our one in England). Abbey and I fell asleep on the bed with Papa G's cat Kitty.

We arrived at 3:00 AM! Nina and Dee were asleep and so was Jasmine and Ki. Gypsy woke up and talked to Papa G while Abbey, Mum and I went out to the camper van and slept in there.

We spent the next week playing with a little angel (Jasmine), having a water fight with Ki and his friends, watching movies and swimming in the pool with Grandma Tutu (Ki and Jasmine's Grandma). We swam in the river and Ki and I jumped off a huge rock (reminded me of jumping off the jetty with my friends in Tassie), Mum and Nina went swimming as well. After we finished swimming Ki and I were still in our swimmers and he asked me to see how warm Jasmine's pool was (Jasmine's pool is a very small pool off the main river made by people for the younger kids).

So being that dumb I did and Ki pushed me into the river then he jumped in and tried to put river weed in my hair!!! That night we watched Monsoon Wedding while little angel was asleep, Ki and I had a huge play fight over who had the blow up the bed while we were watching the movie. Then we watched a bit of Whale Wars, with the Sea Shepherd in it!!!

We also went to the zoo which was a really nice zoo because it was small and not to fancy.
It is really nice to be able to see Jasmine Rose after six months (we saw Jas, Sahara and Nina before we went), she had grown so much.
Today Abbey and I gave her a bath and dressed her in a pretty skirt and top...

Write More Soon

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of being your age, fun,spontaneous and no you girls finally made it to go to camp yahoo can't wait to hear all about that.........hope you make some friends there to stay in contact you lotses and lotses you both have become such great story tellers and helped all of us your friends at home to enjoy your journey with you thank you so much. Zeerxxxxxx
