Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Adventure night was held in the theme of Harry Potter. The staff were the staff of Hogwarts which the campers enjoyed greatly. After the adventures were over they watched some camp videos, my favourite was Theme tables. Here at camp every lunch time they have a theme table... anything from Spanish speaking to no hands!!! It was a funny movie seeing all the different themes people have come up with and how they are carried out. Obviously no hands was hilarious!!! 
Abbey has signed on for the ariels display in the show. Frances tried the singing so she can do that for the show and Smoon organised a stilt class for her and her friend Sitsi just so they get a chance at more than art and hoops before camp finishes! Abby said 'if Ester was here she would be trying everything'. But Frances is very happy just hanging out and girlie talking I dont, JB, whatever... I have asked them both to give me a few lines that I can type up for you but so far they are too busy doing or not!!!!

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