Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ben Nevis

From Gordon 's we headed north to Fort William to stay in Glen Nevis, a beautiful caravan park nestled at the foot of Ben Nevis... our next mountain to climb!!
Ben Nevis is the highest peak in Scotland but also in the UK. Snowdon was the high in Wales, Scarfell Pike was highest in England and Ben Nevis is the highest overall. Together they make up the Three Peaks. There is a Three Peaks Challenge that is done over 24 hours!!!!!! (Not our idea of fun.) And there is the general challenge of climbing the three peaks which many, but not very many do over time. A kind of unspoken club.
We prepared well for this our hardest climb yet. We divided it into 'chai shop' stops and took treats for the equivalent of six of these stops in order to get the balance just right as per the Triund climb. You know this all started because Antoinette took us on that first mountain climb!

Anyhow the weather was good although the cloud covered the peak and stayed thus for the whole experience. It took from 9.30am till 6.00pm there and back with an hour of breaks and an hour of playing at the peak. It was a very steep climb, a beautiful path for most of the way and absolutely stunning scenery. The girls were awesome and, as usual on our climbs, were congratulated for their efforts by many who passed. We collapsed exhausted and aching into our beds but very pleased with ourselves.

It is very hard to put into words.... all those things you think as you trudge up and up... the challenge, the way we approach challenges... and then down and down... and the views, the extraordinary magnificence of this planet... The pictures when I sort and load them may show something of it but really it is to be experienced!!

cheers Camille

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Sounds like your trip is continuing to be great fun - thanks for keeping the blog up to date, so that we can all feel happy for you and just a tad envious! All well here - tell Frances that Lochie is now up at Ellendale and being bossed around by Joker and Witchy. But Tosca is being nice to him, so he's okay. He is fat and very hairy - I think he grew another layer of hair when he noticed the altitude rise on the way up there.

    Camille - love the photos! What sort of camera did you buy?

    Hobart is as beautiful as ever, but we could do with some rain! And lastly, Tom has officially grown taller than me - in fact he's probably a couple of inches taller now. Depressing. I can still beat him in a wrestle though. He just had a great weekend with the Air Force Cadets, flying light planes. The pilot let him have full control for about half an hour - good thing I didn't know!

    Love to all,

